I admit, I tak pernah nak ambil tahu tentang diamond sebelum ni.
I don't even know about GIA Diamond.
I don't even care untuk buat research tentang diamond.
Sehinggala I pandai keluar masuk kedai jewelery.
Bila SA tanya itu ini, I blur.
Tak boleh jadi, kena buat research.
Pelaburan beribu-ribu, nak amik mudah je ke?
So, I buat research about 4C's.
Mana perlu priority.
Mana boleh amek mudah.
Mana boleh, ok, tak kesah.
Nak batu besar.
Nak ideal cut.
Nak colourless.
Tak nak ada kecacatan langsung.
Sedialah duit beribu ribu.
Jadi, to cut budget on wedding ring, u have to know apa kehendak diri sebenar-benarnya.
Setkan budget.
Setkan apa criteria utama.
Psst, kalau boleh, biarlah wedding ring perkara terakhir untuk kamu fikirkan untuk cut budget.
As for me, Cut paling I utamakan.
I nak cari ideal cut.
" An ideal cut diamond produces the best brilliance and sparkle "
Secondly, Colour.
Mesti in colourless shades.
Shades ranging between D - F.
" Colour is an important consideration in determining the value of a diamond "
Next, Carat.
Kalau dapat near to 0.40c memang lucky lah kannnnnnnnn!
Tapi, sebab budget kekangan, size between 0.30c - 0.39c pun dah ok sangatttt!
Remember, always compare to your finger size.
Tak semestinya size besar, sesuai dengan jari.
Nanti nampak macam mak datin, u!
Hihi. Nolah, semua nya berbalik pada budget. =)
Budget ciput, kecikla batu.
Budget besar, dapatla batu besar!
As for me, as long as batu tu sesuai dengan jari I, I don't mind "keciknya batu dia".
Then, comes to Clarity.
Boleh pergi sehingga I2.
But remember, kalau I1 or I2, semak titik hitam noda noda tu.
Sama ada berkumpul satu tempat membentuk noda hitam yang besar which can be visible to ur naked eyes, atau tak.
Kalau ianya berselerak, then boleh consider sebab dengan mata kasar, kita takkan nampak.
So, as for me, VS1/VS2/SI1/SI2 should be ok.
Beza VS1 and SI1 boleh buat diamond tu beza dalam rm600 jugak!
Dengan beza Rm600, better cari yang size besar sikit and shades colourless yang bagus sikit.
With naked eyes, takkan nampak punyalah!
Jadi pembeli yang bijak.

Ini guide book untuk saya buat pemilihan diamond.
Percuma sebab beli magazine kahwin-kahwin dari oversea.
Sangat-sangat berguna!
Suka sangat!
Just to quote here,
" Ultimately your choice of diamond is not only dictated by the four Cs but what looks good to you. If you've always dreamed of adorning your hand with a huge, impressive rock, although purchasing a quality stone means only being able to afford a tiny stone, you'll never be happy with it, so it is better to compromise on quality. Also, there's not a lot of point paying hundreds or even thousands dollars more if you can't tell the difference between one diamond and another of a slightly different grade, unless you're a purist. If it looks like the stone of your dreams, it is the stone of your dream, no matter what the experts say "
I've got mine.
Ideal cut with GIA Certificate.
Later, I nak share tentang pencarian wedding ring.

tau xpe!!dba pun blur tau time gatal singgah habib..tp dba jenis xmalu...HAHA..tanya jer..
then i love yg bahagian kalo kita jenis xkisah sangat dr segi clarity pun xpe..HAHA..sbb kan..orang biasa mcm i nie..mmg xkisah sgtla!asal nmpk mcm batu berlian pun dh cukup hepi!!hehe..alamak..panjang la plak!
err wlupun ijah agak blur , tp ok lah berguna utk masa hadapan nnt. ekekek
wow.cik belle dh berkata2 pasal cincin hihih! mcm terbalik pulak kite ni. i benda plg awl cari = cincin ;p lepas tu br book benda lain.hahaha. tp i think ur plan lg best kot.cincin paling last.sbb u bole search around kan.
i buat research skjp je.pergi pun 1 shopping mall je.kihkihkih.sbb dua2 kaki malas jalan.
pastu meroyan counting days bilo den nk pakai cincin nikah ni.hahaha
i pun malas nak amek tau pasal diamonds. tp thanks for summarising it up! easier for future reference =)
diamond is woman's best friend!! love diamonds ^_~
cik belle dh sibuk cr cincin kawen diamond lah tu kn,hihi..
tp kan as for me,lin dh beli dah cincin diamond time tunang aritu,mmg beribu duit si dia abes,hhu,tp si dia x kisah asal lin ske cincin tu,dia kata xpe amik je;) tp kn,utk cincin kawen ni xtaw nk pilih cincin ape lg da,coz cincin tunang dlu dh diamond,xkn cincin kawen nk diamond jugak lg an,ish,fiening2,hu3
thanks atia for the info. amy mmg blur pasal GIA diamond nie.
woww luv it.. i should grab also GIA diamond..uhhukss but that one more expensive,right?..hihiksss i only got diamond ring from Habib Jewels without GIA..ahaksss more cheaper..but low quality compare than GIA diamond
hi belle.. what u had wrote bout those 4C's tu.. sume nyr BETUL.. dulu i pun study gak laa.. sebab takut kene tipu.. ahaaa...
i got my GIA also frm HJ.. sadly, certificate hilang.. but, no worries.. sbb we can get another copy of d cert.. and this time.. i will jaga cert tu.. super careful.. hahaaa.. ^_^
Hi. I lost both of my cert. Macam mana nak dapatkan another copy?... Puas cari X jumpa
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