Owh, I tak up entry lagi tentang first fitting di Rumah Kebaya Malaysia.
Alhamdulillah, everything went well.
Cuma, I ni berisi sikit, so have to slim down lagikk!
Nak cantik dalam gambar kan, kan, kan?
Haruslah! Hihihi
I love the dress!
Thank you to Rumah Kebaya Malaysia.
For making beautiful dress!
Wait until I show u the dress.
The dress is in white and gold colour.
Combination of white lace and yellow-gold songket.
And my visit ke Rumah Kebaya Malaysia, they told me that they just stock in new Wedding Kebaya!
Simply beautiful!
Have a visit, peeps.
Take a look.
Choose your fav.
Ask the price.
Nego the price.
Penting before u go there, make sure u dah tau colour tema u and what colour u want to wear on ur wedding. Sebab kat RKM, banyak sangat baju best.....!!!
So, senang kalau dah datang RKM, u dah tau warna pilihan u, and u just flip baju colour tema u je. Jimat masa. Ample time to discuss. Ehem, cukup masa untuk nego lagik! Hihihi.
If u jadi rambang mata, tak tau mana nak pilih, choose white.
Putih ialah warna selamat.
Always IN.
Tu aje. Hihi.
Saya doakan yang baik-baik aje untuk kamu ye.

mahal x? soklan berani mati :p
cheQmOomOo: disponsor sepenuhnya. ngee.
yeke T_T
*anyone???* hehehe
atia!! syoknya disponsor!! jeles..hahaha..up teaser sikit..
hana yoriee: nanti kite tunjuk dalam camera okeh. ehehee
hehe! macam tau je yang mana baju atia!hehe.. tak sbr nk tgok di hari majlis nye...!
yeesssss!! nnt jmp hana nak tgk tau! hehe..=)
miss puteri: ehem, dah menjengah ke rumah kebaya malaysia ke? hahaa.. mestilah dah bocor rahsiaaa. huhu
hana yoriee: okeh hana! hehee
auw~ suka rumah kebaya! i know u will look gorgeous on ur big day :)
AyureQ: =) Amin..
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