I selalu mengimpikan punyai Online Wedding Website suatu hari nanti.
I know, kalau kita google, ada banyak free wedding website untuk kite try.
But, I am not a designer, a web designer i mean.
Sedikit susah untuk digunakan. Sigh.
impian hanya tinggal impian.
Luckily, this one vendor drop a comment at my chatbox.
cik belle, nak link to you blog. my website is for online wedding invitation and save money on the printing cost. link
'Save money on the printing cost' really make me want to give a click on the link!
And wallah, I want to know more!
Teruja nak tau lebih lanjut, I check out the 'sample'

Wow! best sangattt!
Tabs include:
- our stories -
- receptions -
- RSVP -
- Gift Registry -
(Psst, ni paling best! Hahahaha)
- Guest book -
( Another element yang best! Hehe )
- Photos -
contact them to ask more! =)
Boleh add photos, boleh add videos, boleh add maps.
Spread the link among your friends!
Jimat card! Heh heh heh.
Tak de la nak tag-tag gambar map kat facebook photos.
I tak suka sebab kecik sangat, tak clear, susah nak download picture nak print susah. Macam tak ikhlas nak menjemput pun ada. MAcam nak kasi kita ni sesat aje. Heh.
But, with savethedate.my, i dah tengok sample, maps terbaikkkk!
Jelas. Orang tak sesat. Boleh save image, lepas tuh print je. Best!
And, the best part, semua ni starts from:
Murah gila! Hehehe.
To add that WOW!, quote my blog:
' renda-perancis.blogspot.com rawks! '

and, you are entitle to get 20% OFF!
To contact them, kindly click here: Contact
What are you waiting for?
Im going to have mine near soon! Hehehe.

idea yang menarik...
thanks for sharing hehe....
memang save kad kan :)
thanks for sharing! veru useful link utk bakal pengantin.. tak payah susah2 nak print card.. harga pun murah giler.. :)
wah..menarik laa cik belle..=)
wahhhhhh kelassss cik belle! hehe
waaahh..cik belle mmg rawk!!! ada bayang2 leh jadik berjaya cm redmummy ni nanti..hihi
fuiyyoo cambest je!! u rawkk la!!
p/s: mmg bole jimat cost printing..hehe
kenapa ko tak inform aku awal2??? tapi ni pun dh cukup awal ni..yahoo..suka2!ilebiu more.
wahhh cik belle bestnya!!!!!!
cik belle da buat entry dulu..hehe..yang penting kawan2..quote blog belle ye..baru dpt 20%..
♥♥ eija ♥♥: haah, nak-nak untuk kawan2 tu,, toksah print card, tag je or email je diorang. hihi
Anony: =) ur welcome! hihi. kannn..murah gila!
"cikkin": tihihi.. berbaloi2.. =)
LisaLisut: huhu... biasa aja la.. hihi
hana yoriee: hui, jauh lagi perjalanan nak jadi mcm redmummy. hihi. pendapatan tak seberapa la. hihi
nizabeba: kan niza? hihi.. lagi boleh add macam-macam, hihi
si kecil: haha, aku pun baru tau la. hihi
farahfatihah: ff dah tawen.. promote kat kawan-kawan pulak! hihi
K.I.N.A: =) quote my blog "renda-perancis.blogspot.com rawks! " dapat discount! haha
cheQmOomOo: =)
cik belle,
actually kan, you can get website for free if you join martha stewards or the knot..
all you need is to manage ur self by uploading ur photos and progress.. harituh ternampak but x godek abis website tu..
you can even choose ur website name too.. senang gilaa..
Athia, kalo u g mywedding.com mmg leh dpt free, last time i buat http://www.mywedding.com/nurulariff/
best nye..but I can't seem to go to their contact page
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