4 bulan sebelum majlis:
(Last update: 2 March 2011)
(Last update: 2 March 2011)
- Sediakan persalinan untuk:
Siblings: Pending
Bridesmaids: Pending
- Pilih cincin perkahwinan (in case nak resize cincin, so we have ample time to do so la kan. Atau pun, kite kene tempah cincin, so 4 months before the wedding date, sesuaila kan nak tempah?
Status: Pending
Wedding ring for her
Wedding ring for him
- To buy /order doorgift and tag
Nikah: Doorgift Nikah 1, Doorgift Nikah 2, Finalize, Email for quotation - to finalize
To place booking for entertainment
- Guest list
Status: Half done!
Family besar
Kawan I
- To order invitation card
Status: Done!
- Langsir to sent to tailor/ wall paper
Status: Pending
Living hall
My room
- Carpet
Status: Pending
Living room
My room
- To find complete package for majlis bertandang
Status: Done!
I guess,my salary for this month to be spent on benda-benda ni la kot.
Duh. Pokai lagi la nampaknya. Heh heh,

happy preparing,ya.. Nanti bley trnkan ilmu2..hehe
Mcm byk pending je belle?huu..seb bek nama pun checklist kan..gudluck!
belle..tetiba sy rs kecut perut lah! wuuuu...
(J.U.L.I.E): julie, help!!! =(
lovelyadibah: banyak kan? sangat banyak! malas pikir! hahaha. kerja banyak la diba..kalau kat ofis, memang tak online langsung. hurm.
didieadila: saya dah mula tidur tak lena. =(
huh?kad pending??
ok ok...tarik nafas dalam2...
Syima Syaz: haha. maximum, sebulan untuk siapkan kad. bulan 4.5/5 hantar card. phew.
owhhhh akak lak yang nerves...
dulu bila teringat balik jumlah yang keluar tu, rasa takut nak dapat gaji bulan2 hahahhaha
sedih aaa.tengah tensi...selagi tak majlis selagi tu duit mengalir asik byr benda2 utk nk kawin.haish..
duitttttttttttttttttttttttt jatuh la dari langittttttttttttttt
belle, seelok2 nya kad tu buat cepat skit.. kalau ikut pengalaman atun, lagi 2 bulan nak kenduri mak dah bising kenapa kad tak siap-siap lagi. masa tu, tak hantar kat kedai for printing pun lagi.
nasib baiklah dapat kedai printing yang boleh print dlm masa 5 hari. kalau tak memang naya sebab tak sempat nak pos kad utk sahabat handai yang duduk jauh.
just my advice on this. Happy preparing! Insyaallah, everything will go smoothly.
mek, tetibe br teringat doorgift x berdecide2 lg, pdhal tggl 2 bln lebey je lg ni..HAHA..share bulih?? hehe
alolo... siannya xlena tido... sape yg kacau u dlm mimpi ni...
neway.. wat tenang2, k? all d best! =D
happy prep princess.. :)
all da best to u..
bagus buat list kan? senang nak monitor. hehehe xpe, berkorban poket demi majlis :)
thanks for writing this blog. it help me a lot to plan for my wedding. tho' I'm the only guy fussy on this wed stuff. haha
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