Year End Sale
Rumah Kebaya Malaysia
Still looking for a heavy beaded, gorgeously reception dress?
Or baju bertandang?

I guess this is the right time!!!
It's 50% Discount babe!!!.
But, for a limited time offer.
So, booked your slot now...!
Booking should be made from: 23 December 2010 - 31 December 2010
After all, ini Year End Sale, kan?
Contact them to set your appointment today!
sms to: 017.208 90 44
For those who want to wear yang mana wedding attire adalah dari designer dari Indonesia, Rumah Kebaya Malaysia is the perfect choice!
And I heard, there's a few baju baru!
Check them out!
I've chose mine.
What about u?
More info, click here

Credit to: Rumah Kebaya Malaysia
I love the veil. Something different kan.
Net, tapi ada corak.
Ada, I paksa my fiance datang untuk sewa baju dari RKM untuk bertandang pulak ni kang.
50% Discount pulak tu.
Gegar jiwa sungguh! Hehe

wah..cantik veil tu..! unik kan..suke2..50% tu adakah akan jd bawah 1k..;P
atia, i baru set app ngn dorg.mule2 nk jmp 1 jan 2011 sbb i x prasan pn promo derg tu.ttbe kak siti ckp cek fb sbb ade promo.huuiihhh..lega..klu tak tepas i okkk.=p
terus tukar date app ahad ni.haha.
TQ for info....mna tau leh survey2...
K.I.N.A: kalau ikutkan, bawah 1k la for both. hehe. tp, rasanya, better to contact them la.. hihi
Mawar misswateva: owhh.. hehe. nasib baik kan. ngeee... rezeki mawar.. kite tak tau kan? huhu. nanti update!!!!
Qaseh Qidzizie: tihihi. =)
WillBe.Mrs: yerps, survey banyak2! hehee
wah promo lagik!! cool2!!
i br nk tye bole dpt below 1k ke for both.skali u dh jawab soalan Kina.hihi.diorg pye kebaya ni mmg semua labuh ke bawah ek?takde yg smpai pinggang je or bawah bontot? heeee.tye je ;p
Lyana MK: cepat grab! =)
LisaLisut: Lisa, ada! with long train! sangat cantik... warna gold macam tuh. banyak lagi, i tak sempat tgk semua. =) u pergi dulu, make sure u tgk semua tau! =)
setuju dgn kina..
catik veil tu..
b2b apa lg gi la serbu rumah kebaya.
saya.xkot..tgk korang la dr jauh..
LittleSunshine: unik kan? suka2! =) ala, sedih je bunyi.. sob sob.
mek, 50%??? wowwie junior juice!!
jom kt serbu RKM!!
nizabeba: serbu jangan tak serbu. uhuhu
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