Workload makin bertambah.
Hence, tiada masa untuk survey.
And, I'm begging you guys, help me please.
Recommend or suggest caterer untuk saya boleh?
Survey tentang caterer, ini sahaja hasil dari saya:
1) Mutiara Catering - FOC Wedding Cake dari madaboutcake. (Wallah!) Review: Ada bagus ada tak. The bad news, dah fully booked on my date.
2) Sri Angsana Catering - Review: Bagus. Makanan pun sedap, parents I suka. Servis pun ok. Except, wedding cake yang FOC tak sedap sangat (From ex-bride review).
3) D'Mawar Catering - Ada ice-sculpture (Wallah!) Review: Bagus. Makanan Sedap, servis bagus.
4) Sajian D-Hidang - Review: Makanan sedap! Servis?
5) Siti Catering - Review: Makanan sedap! Servis kurang. Ada bad review. Sigh.
6) Manisa Catering - Review: I sangat suka food dari Manisa Catering. Tak ada email untuk I contact pulak. Harus ke Subang untuk meet-up. Sigh. Tak cukup masa!
7) Yapaf Catering - Review: Tak habis survey lagi.
Lovely dear semua, please do drop comment tentang siapa u hired, or any experience with the caterers ok. Your comment is much needed and appreciated!
Thanks, sayangku!
EDITED: If anyone yang nak bagi bad review, please email me eyh. Kite gossip-gossip dalam email je la k. =)

try Utama catering? i heard diorg ni masjid negara punye.not so sure.
try la tgk.ihihi
Sri Angsana ok kot... I pon amek Sri Angsana for my big day..
Hana pon amek sri angsana aritu ;) tanya dia :D
dear. i amek nmr catering. tp i xbuat food testing, sbb abg sulung amek die was good.ramai org puji. but then.. that was 4yrs back. hopefully the quality is still same...
Hi maybe u boleh try D'selera catering kat cheras sana. Briyani dia sangat sedap as its briyani gam. And service pun baik. U can always ask for food tasting. U can try and look for their website address. Kalau tak silap, they also collaborated with TV3 before. My brother is gonna have them for his upcoming big day. All the best;)
kalo nak drop pasal catering i pon x membantu sebab jauh di swak nun.. hehe.
cpt kawan2, tolong cr caterer best2 utk cik belle, sy nak dtg and makan sedap2. hihi
mek!! ritu d mawar nyee makanan sedapp jeee!! ko tak try katering liyana tu ke?
i used sri cempaka katering, PR mmg mantap tapi service teruk masa wedding as my parents said la, maknana mmg sedap gila,tapi bila makanan dah nak habis they dindt inform my parents so in the end luckily my auntie went to the nearest restaurant to top up. so dont choose this one ya
aku takde lah dapat nak nolong bab nie, sbb aku pakai 'kampung' katering.
import pakcik aku je masak beriyani gam. nan ado bajet!
try la sevey D'Mawar. cam best je!
LisaLisut: ok noted. thanks lisa. =)
fati: ok thanks fati! ajak saya tak? hehee..
Durruz: alright, thanks durruz! nanti i try google and tgk review. thanks again!
Atikah A.Rahman: ok, i heard that name before. thanks dear.
PurPLe LaDy AiFA: hihi.. ok aifa, noted! huhuhu. reserve one invitation for u nanti. tihihi
ElyaElmo: hehe, ok korang promote d'mawar ada bagus eyhh.. hehe..
honey bedazzled: alrite, noted! =) thanks dear.
♥ balkidz_hunny ♥ : mek, aku pun kalau cukup kakitangan, mmg nak import makcik aku je masak.. tapi tuhla, diorang jauh, kesian pulak la hai. =( InshaAllah, nanti try test food. hihi
My family dah guna caterer ni untuk 2 weddings, company open houses and uncountable kenduris. Very low profile, but with food yang sangat-sangat sedap. They're doing my wedding this coming Jan 1st. Main dish - nasi beriyani arab. :)
Nama caterer - Man Selera Catering (kalau tanya orang subang jaya, shah alam dan kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya they'd know, kot)
Ada restoran depan Carrefour Subang Jaya with the same name. U can go check it out.
Run by husband and wife yang sangat friendly and tak lokek.
hola belle...
i used Nurul Izzah was good, service pon ok...sgt2 ok...since we meet up at home for discuss byk kali sgt2...since my mum had accident 2 months b4 my bigday...cake die biase2 cantik...hehehe they willing to do ape sje utk kite...i amek utk nikah & nikah pon sedap masakan kampung...
my hubby side...kami amek sri ok aym die sedap jugak...service ok but kene cte panjang lebar...biar terang...cream cake not my fav...dlm gmbr je i senyum lebor....hehehe
hi belle! kite guna caterer Nazliza Canopy & Catering.. food die mmg sgt sedap! :)dapat kek 3 tingkat juga :) kalau guna canopy, canopy yang jernih tu pon xmahal sangat.. yg ada fairy lamp sume tu.. ni blog die
no die ada kat tepi blog tu
mine was D'selera...durruz sgt betol=) sokong!haha
hai belle... u dah check suri catering?? agak mahal tp dia punya deco cantik. food dgr cite pun ok.. adik my fiance akan amek Suri for her wedding bln 3 ni.. nnt i bg komen, tp lambat lg laa.. hehehe
babe~ i pernah try D-Hidang twice~ first time pi wedd cuz my dad, sgtlah SEDAP! service ok lawa je i tgk.. and then i hired them for my e-day.. food sedap n lebih! senang nak diskus, i wat simple so presentationnya simple, but food wise wallah! for wedd at home they charge rm17 and dpt mcm2 if dewan rm 24 ( a bit pricey) tapi dengan hiasan arch and all kecuali pelamin je! if u nak no ke apa ke let me knw~ i pun ngah survey catering, sebab nak cr murah sket hehe
manisa catering mmg sedap..dah jumpa contact number?
Shazarina: thanks dear! im going to check them out!! thanks sangat! =)
ettyzukhair: ok, thanks dear. will check nurul izzah jugak nnt. another good review from sri angsana eyh! thanks! =)
YuNa: thanks dear. nanti i tengok and will contact them soon. =)
Queen4ADay: wanie, thanks! =)
Mai Sakurada: ala..bulan 3 ke.. kang penuh da kang. huhu
eika: eika, thanks dear! ada email diorang tak? =)) d-hidang punya catering semua cakap sedap!
farahfatihah: org putrajaya mmg taula kan manisa catering. selalu masuk tender. huhu.. i pun suka manisa catering! =)
cik belle, i amek sri angsana dulu. makanan dia mmg sedap. sampai skrg org ingat lagi :). servis pun ok. free kek tu i tak amek. tukar dgn vip table.
azian abdullah: thanks azian. another satisfied customer. hehe. iwh, thanks for the tips too! =)
huhu..ade sesape lak lei tlg kt cri vendor canopy..
huhu..ade sesape lak lei tlg kt cri vendor canopy..
belle, i pakai siti catering for formal sitting. taste wise & presentation (jenis pinggan for maintable) ok, cuma i geram majlis belum habis diorg dh packing :( prev customers ada komen for buffet setting, SC quite lembab replenish the food. siti/suri only cheap for sitting event..buffet quite mahal. siti's advantage is diorg ada chair cover yg fit pjaya halls (pjaya's banquet besa sikit)
if u willing to fork out nearly rm20/px, i suggest DHidang, so far food diorg je yg i smpi mengigau malam hehe! fave dish daging masak hitam :D
i got DHidang to work for my customer last weekend..very professional, siap dtg a day earlier nk checkout the place and sesuaikan their setting/placement...on the day, they were so ahead of time & siap kasi 8org waiters utk cater 200px majlis...habis je event, customer text me, they sooo loved the food :)
all the best belle!
dhidang mmg sah alam's clan favourite!! if you don't mind spending extra abit, they are definitely worth it.
on the other hand, im trying manisa for the engagement. so far, the aunties uncles have been using her for the family event and highly recommended. (altho i tk pernah rasa coz i was abroad for few years and missed out all those events! pfffttt). i've got her email address and number if you want.
hi b2b...
i suggest you guna rass deco event and catering.. i guna dorang for my catering vendor...but before i amik dorang i dah try dah food dorang kat my frenz punya wedz.. sedap jugak and dorang also buat pelamin taw... try checkout dorang kat my blog...
babe, i takde email, haritu i terus pi office dia je.. like others said food mmg the best! even air dia pun sedap gile bygkan makanan dia! if u want, i can give u the phone number, contact je terus senang sebab blog dia i try dah takleh buka. let me now if u nak no dia, owner dia peramah!
cuba TIM'S Catering, memang mahal sket per pax tapi the masakan johor memang sedap and takde masalah macam tak cukup lauk or nasi for the guests..
hi there..
u bleh try Rass deco & weddings.
go to rassweddings.blogspot.
harga sgt berpatutan. PR pun ok. i pun dah book dorg utk big day nnti.
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