Ini pusingan pertama mencari design kasut yang sesuai.

Chunky beads.
White in colour.
Nampak macam best je, kan?

Fully covered.
Silver, metallic.

Another glamorous shoe!
Hihi. Glam betul.


This is perfect!
So much!
All pictures credit to: Google Images

oh..saya sangat suka gmbr no 3..hehehe..kalo cik belle pakai,mesti tgk kaki sajer..hehehe~
i suke kasut yang last sekali... :)
i suke yg glamourous tu.hihi.tapi..i xbole sgt pakai full covered or peep toe.sbb cepat rimas.i suke yg airy.hihi.lg satu takut dia tertanggal masa sedar ade masalah ni.kasut pernah terbaling kat atas jalan raya masa i pakai.hahaha
lovelyadibah: tihihi.. duk dalam kain, tak nampak la nanti.. hehe
Goges Makeup: me too! =)
LisaLisut: very the glam u.. hehehe.. airy pun ok.. tak nampak formal sgt.. u kene buat garden wedding ni lisa. hehehe..
i luv the last one.
makcik...silver glitter all around shoes tuh ada jual kat esarli..peep toe pon ada kot..sile check..yg penting murah..ekekke...
p/s: kalau nikah pakai kasut yg lacey2 sexy wohh
waahh..cik belle..suke yg last tu..gojes + perfect!!
salam cik belle!=)
nk share design masa saya nikah hari tu..hihi.
& obviously i heart no 5!
aku nak mcm yg 1st and last tu....
mekaseh mek..ko tlg servey kn tuk aku..haha
sgt suka no 5...cantikkkkkk
last 1 is very tempting!! likeee! hihi
ske yg 5th tuh..npk lawa lah!! glamer abiss!
everyone seems to love no.3! and you got your winner :)
nway tentang kasut , you need to also know your baju material for kain untuk disesuaikan with the kasut.
Sebab kalau kain nanti berlacey or ber-heavy beading di kaki kain , potential utk tersangkut2 kat kasut yg bermanik2 or ada batu2 detailing yg sangat byk amatlah besar.
I have friends that find it hard to walk when the kain sangkut kt kasut and terstop2 time jln red carpet.
Hope this helps to all b2b :)
suke the 3rd n the last one. cantik! hehe =)
hihi..i love peep toe!yang second last tu best!cume tengah cari-cari yang agak bersesuaian dengan majlis kawen..hihi..
the last one perfect..
but ya ampun tggi yg amat! hehehe
makcik!go for the last one!heee..=)
simple yet elegant katanyaaa..
ok la vote for last one.hehee
last one!!
yg last sekali mmg cantik! lepas tu yg glamor glamor tu perghh , cantik tu! :D
i suka yg last sekali jugak..canteekkk sangat!
cantiknya kasut yg last tu.
go for heels with peep toe! sexy~
open toe la yg cantik...pakai la yg tu cik belle
seperti kasut sayaa.hihihi.cantikkkkk,good choice cik belle!
Byzura Mj (By): yeay! high five! hihi
adda_shariff: noted! hihi. vincci pon ade. tapi tak cantik. hoho.
"cikkin": kite pon shuke yang last tuh.. huhu. tak tau la jari kaki ni sesuai ke tidak. hehe
Princess Cindellyna: dah tengok!! sangat cantikkk!! woot woot!
ElyaElmo: weyh elya. kata nak survey sama-sama. hahahaha.
zulicious: tihihi. saya pon!! suka yang last pic! =)
veesakura: tihihi. kannn... i want i want! =)
Lyana MK : tihihi.. kannn... cantek kan! suka!
maneesa: thanks maneesa for the tips! hehe. material i chiffon, i pon takut tersangkut2 jugak nanti kat kain. haishla.. =)
miss Z: ramai suka 3rd one.. hhehee..
AnEs: hihi. hopefully, u find urs nanti! =)
didieadila: saya suka high heels! hehe
Mawar misswateva: mawar setujuk! hehe
missbutterfly: haha. ribbon letak tang mana pulak nanti? hihi
nizabeba: sama! =)
FaiHash: kesimpulannya, semua cantek la! hehe
fika79: yeay! kite sama! hihi
lindosh: kann.. mana nak cari eyh? hihi
PurPLe LaDy AiFA: =) noted. still, i love ur shoes, aifa! =)
aziraarif: ok dear, i will! =)
ReYNa: haah, yang tempah kat gavy, kan kan? santekk! =)
i loveeee the last one!!!!! pretty *thumbs up*
ashieBee: kann.. i pon suke yang last pic! =)
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