Salah satu tugas Maid of Honour:
-Sediakan this Emergency Bridal Kit!-
Ok, what to put in?
- Small sewing kit
- Safety pins
- Tissue
- Lipstick
- Compact powder
- Mints
- Pen and small note pad
- List of contacts for vendors and wedding planners
- Perfume (miniature perhaps) - Info: All the bridesmaids and the bride must use the same perfume! Make sense?
- Panadol
- Water - For outdoor shooting?
- Wet wipes
- Floss/ toothpick
- Straw - for drinking without messing up the lipstick
- Hair elastics
- Baby powder - useful for getting out last-minute spills on a white dress
- Eye-drops - looks for redness reducing
- Pads
*to pack according to your preferences*
Anything else?

byk ni..kena bubuh dalam bag AF ni..hehe..
hhehee...i prefer my maid of honor having one mirror not too big not soo small sekali....biasela i suke tgok sndiri cermin dr ty org.."ok tk my lipstik ok tk my eyeshadow"....sbb i jenis tk puas tgok cermin compact powder..hihih..again it depends...hihih
OMG..this is good!well done!
dah macam nak pegi operasi mnyelamat bulan sabit merah dah.
bytheway, memang perlu pun.
pengapit aku dulu pun aku paksa angkut beg kecik ala2 uncang, dalam tue letak segala bagai benda termsuk enset.
good tips!
Haah ek, handset la paling tkt ilang.hmm.takkan pengantin nk kepit hp pulak kan.wpun tetiba i pk why do i need hp when my husband ade sebelah.hihihi(sbb sll hp byi sbb dia je)
good tips cik belle :)
kene cr maid of honor yg willing to do all this kene dgr arahan etc.haha
Pengsan le MOH i cmni..muahaha..but it's a good idea..
Hehe! mmg btul tu.. MOH kite adalah handbag kite pada hari itu. so kene make sure sume bende ni ade. tihihi.. ;)
wahhhhhhhh!!very da , kn?hehhehe
tq 4 ur info..terbaek
hahaha..bagus tol...
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