Pernah kan, kita mengomel, vendor ni sombong la, tak kasi kita quotation pun. Hati rasa geram, kan? Tapi, pernah tak fikir, betul ke cara kita minta quotation tu? Hehe. Nah, here some tips:
According to Ahmad Fairus, ni antara details yang perlu kita inlcude dalam sesi minta quotation:
- Nama anda dan pasangan
- Wedding date (Tarikh dan hari)
- Location
- Contact number
- Budget (if any)
- Specific album that you need, might be Custom Album ke, Sticky Album ke.. hihi.. Apa jenis album yang you tau and perlukan, bagitau je. =) Maybe from there, dia boleh quote u, reasonable price for u kan.
- Number of events, number of couples (kot la ada 2 pasangan ke kan, bersanding bersama) hihi
Anything left out tak?
To read full article, please click here: Ahmad Fairus Photography
Hopefully, lepas ni, kita dah tak merungut, vendor sombong sebab tak nak povide quotation untuk kite. hehee.
Thanks, AF!
and good luck to all! =)

hehehe..masalahnya dah letak sumer nih pon diorang still tak reply..haishhh...
thank you Cik Belle!xoxo!
Cik NeyNa: ouch, masalah tuh.. =( mungkin kol/msg cakap ade send email. hehe..mintak respond cecepat. hehe.. boleh?
LisaLisut: my pleasure. =)
btul2..kadang2 dorang ni bz sgt..ataupun terlepas pandang..huhu..
tulah kan..
nak call terus..
giler kuasa nih..huhu
Kene try cara baru la camni.
K.I.N.A: haah, some mmg busy! =) huhu. kesabaran itu perlu! haha
Norhayati Rostam: =) try try. hihi
laa patot la dorg x reply..hehe~ thanks babe for sharing!! mmuah muahh!!
Cik NeyNa: ouch, masalah tuh.. =( mungkin kol/msg cakap ade send email. hehe..mintak respond cecepat. hehe.. boleh? LisaLisut: my pleasure. =)
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