Being a blogger is so cool!
Why I said so?

With just a 'click' , u have the chance to win yourself a photography package worth RM2000.
Bukankah itu, best gila?
I hope I am one of the lucky bride-to-be
Heh heh heh.
How to join?
Follow this step:
- Search for MINISTRY OF MOMENT page in Facebook and click "Like".
- Go to 'Photos' tab, and find a folder named 'Contest'.
- Find the yellow poster above and tag it to 10 of your friends.
- Pick one picture that you like the most from the same folder and write a creative entry in your blog with the title: Ministry of Moment: Just Click contest and tell them why do you like that picture.
- Under the picture, type; source: Ministry of Moment and link it to
As simple as that.
So yeah, to enter this contest, I have to pick one photo.
It is not easy, i tell you!
Terlalu banyak gambar cantik! Homai-homai! Rambang mata sekejap!
I've browse the album and finally, I pick this pic:

Source: Ministry of Moment
I like this photo so much!
Sebabnya, the bride is so beautiful!
Seri tuh naik, kan!
With the editing skill from the Super-Professional-Photographer, siapa boleh men-deny-kan?
Dari photo ni, we can feel that the bride nampak bahagia sangat! Alhamdulillah.
Kan, "A picture worth a thousand words".
So yeah, satu picture ni aja mengambarkan pelbagai cerita.
Rasa perasaan cinta itu hadir.
Rasa perasaan syukur itu hadir.
Rasa perasaan gembira itu hadir.
Pelbagai rasa kita boleh feel dari hanya sekeping photo.
Pentingkan, untuk hire a super-professional-photographer on our wedding day?.
Takkan nak lepaskan momen begitu sahaja.
Renung-renugkan lah. =)
Psst, tau tak, Ministry of Moment ni adalah official photographer untuk Wedding Datin Paduka Umie Aida, tempoh hari?
Hui, cayalah!
P/s: To join this contest, simply read T&C from here

gud!..dh siap 2-2 skali,razali and MoM..hehe
sye msh berhutang lg contest by razali..entah bila mahu mengarang..muahaha..
Eh atia, kamu bkn mahu pergi pav ke hr ni??
yeah..jom join..goodluck dear..btw the bride memang nampak sgt cantik kan..
hey gudluck.. besh kan jadik blogger? mcm2 contest bleh join..hehehe :)
Gud luck ya..dlm contest ni..
sudi2 kan lah jenguk blog b2b
cik belle.. kalo free singgah ke blog sy ek.. ada tag utk kamu :)
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