How can u say NO to this?

Source: flora et cetera
Tahu siapa punya pelamin?
None other, majlis pernikahan Marion Rose Caunter.
Totally admire!
Forget about full fresh flowers as main backdrop for your dais.
Itu setahun yang lalu.
But, until now, I masih jatuh cinta dengan full fresh flowers as main backdrop, heh.
2011, comes a new trend!
I don't know what to call, but, let we define it as Paper Flowers Dais!
suke hati kau je kan, cik belle!
Or, anyone ada term yang lagi baik?
Lucky that we have talented local vendors that can give u this paper flowers dais!

None other, touch of flora et ecetera

Source: Party Popperz Event Management
So far, two local vendors yang I tau can fulfill the dream.
To engage Abg Razak?
Agak-agak dia nak layan tak, I yang bukan anak Tan Sri ni?
I am so admire his work and creativity!
Owh, please, hopefully Abg Razak jumpa blog saya ni!
Har har har Harapannn!
Mungkin boleh try risik Party Popperz!
And this main dais taken from an international website:
Source: stjudescreations
Large paper flowers:
Source: stjudescreations

Source: shoprucehe

Source: stjudescreations

Hilang source~
Obe word, Lovely!!!
It is so vintage!
Owh, I don't have the time to DIY.
Owh, if only I have creative hands.
Owh, if only I have thousands of ringgit to hire Abg Razak!
Impian tinggal impian orang kata.
Psst, ini adalah antara sebab kenapa wedding decorator untuk malam nikah tak berjumpa lagi.
Sekejap nak idea macam tu, sekejap nak idea macam ni.
Ya, saya sungguh gila!
Dan lalang juga!

cek belle, mmg tip top paper flower dais tu...sis pun bekenan jugak
nak jugak buat utk pelamin one day nnt ^^ awesome!!!!
nuruljannah sukhri: menangisssss!!!! cantek kan! sobss!
.::cintabungablogspot::.: buat buat. hihihi. jadikan impian satu realiti! Please. =)
Suka sangat. Ingat nak buat untuk backdrop photobooth. Version mini la, takdela glam macam your pics.
suka sgt =)suka semua..
Rilla: wah, rilla! love ur idea to implement this to photobooth. nak tiru boleh?? ngeee.
LittleSunshine: ho ho ho. we'll see if ada vendors yang boleh buat... hehe
uwaaaaaaaaa... cik belle, aku juga sudah terlalang melihatkan pelamin itu.. mampukah? nak jugakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
atia...napa lalanggg??hahaahahah
dyll basri: hahaaa.. marilah join aku menangis, mek!!!hoho
ElyaElmo: haha, lalang aku ni. sekejap nak macam tu, sekejap nak macam ni. tak tetap sungguh pendirian. lagi 2 bulan ni nak kawen ni! hahahaa
haha, saya juga lalang yg panjang. kjp nak tu, kjp nk ni. mmg santek lah abg razak touch, but if only i have a lot n lots of money kan. huuu
cube try test buat paper flower tu sendiri sis. mane tau jadi.
paper flowers mmg tgh nek skrg..mmg ska la...cntik sgt...apa lg cik belle..try la cr vendor k..
cecepat decide cik belle..tebas sume2 lalang tu..hahaha
what a coincident; today i was googling about the same thing- paper flower dias. cun kan???? suke gilerrrr :))
ada nampak wedding marion tapi tak nah terpikir pun pasal paper flower...nice jugak kan..serius..
sgt cantek! tp x byk kan vendor yg buat pelamin cmnie.. huhu
I LOVE ur blog...reading ur blog keep me updated with the new wedding trend and stuff...hopefully lepas da kawen nnt pun cik belle still update :D ur blog = wedding inspiration
if pandai blh buat sendiri flower tu...mmg cantek :)
cntek nyeee..bley DIY x? :p
sgt best kalau dpt direalisasikan...
DIY jer..i dah berjaya buat.coming soon nyer clients.hehe..
most of it u can find thru google..the template of course kena adjust la skit.but the most important thing before start..think macamane u nak install the paper flowers!make sure its flatback coz its easier to install..
All u need is papers, scissors, and glue! and of course lots of love and patience!
Paper flowers!! i likee.. selain daripada menjimatkan (tak perlu guna fresh flowers).. ia jugak tahan lama dan bg yg rajin..sabaq..buleh DIY..
Erm..chek pun terasa nak DIY arrr..nak hired Mr Razak.. mmg tak mampu dan sampai umoq 40 pun tak kawen2 arr.. hahaha.. So, penyelesaiannyaa adalahhh >>buat sendiri saja lahh.. meskipun tak se-gah pelamin Marion..dapat ala2 pun jadiklahhh, kan..??kan?? :)
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