3 moths prior to my wedding date.
Hectic, I must say.
But, forget about it, coz I really enjoy doing my preparation.
I am a planner to my own wedding.
I am responsible for most of everything!
Hectic, I must say.
But, forget about it, coz I really enjoy doing my preparation.
I am a planner to my own wedding.
I am responsible for most of everything!
Busy with my work.
I do get stress sometimes.
But, I enjoy my work.
A busy bee where sometimes, I have to cancel my class with the students.
Pity my students.
Ok, kalau tak melalut memang tak sah.
Hihi. Ampun.
Actually, I would like to thank Mya from 4weddingku Blog for the award!
Mungkin ada yang tertanya, award apakah?
I do get stress sometimes.
But, I enjoy my work.
A busy bee where sometimes, I have to cancel my class with the students.
Pity my students.
Ok, kalau tak melalut memang tak sah.
Hihi. Ampun.
Actually, I would like to thank Mya from 4weddingku Blog for the award!
Mungkin ada yang tertanya, award apakah?

2010 Most Inspired Bride
Thank you!
Well, I do believe, ada ramai lagi wedding blogger yang deserve this award.
=) Nowdays, dah ramai b2b bloggers kan.
Well, to tell truth, back 2009, I start planning my engagement day.
Time tu belum dirisik.
But, the boyfriend dah bagi hint. Ehem ehem.
My first blog yang I masuk, wedding blog Ashylla.
white lace tale.
Her blog inspire me to have my own wedding blog.
Since then, I start to love everything about wedding!
Itu kisahnya.
And once again, I would like to thank Mya from 4weddingku blog for this award.
InshaAllah, I will try to not stop blogging.
Even though, pernah jugak beberapa kali I nak close my wedding blog ni.
And congratulations to Lynda - Most Glamorous Bride 2010, Ann - Most Fabulous Bride 2010, Aim - Most Creative Bride 2010, and Xora - Most Favourite Bride 2010.
Claim your gift, girls. Hihi.
To read more, kindly click:
{4weddingku Blog}
Thank you!
Well, I do believe, ada ramai lagi wedding blogger yang deserve this award.
=) Nowdays, dah ramai b2b bloggers kan.
Well, to tell truth, back 2009, I start planning my engagement day.
Time tu belum dirisik.
But, the boyfriend dah bagi hint. Ehem ehem.
My first blog yang I masuk, wedding blog Ashylla.
white lace tale.
Her blog inspire me to have my own wedding blog.
Since then, I start to love everything about wedding!
Itu kisahnya.
And once again, I would like to thank Mya from 4weddingku blog for this award.
InshaAllah, I will try to not stop blogging.
Even though, pernah jugak beberapa kali I nak close my wedding blog ni.
And congratulations to Lynda - Most Glamorous Bride 2010, Ann - Most Fabulous Bride 2010, Aim - Most Creative Bride 2010, and Xora - Most Favourite Bride 2010.
Claim your gift, girls. Hihi.
To read more, kindly click:
{4weddingku Blog}

mcmane u buat list kt sidebar tu, then u letak line kat tgh2 word tu...cmne ek??..pliz shout me..:)
congratz! ur blog is the first wedding blog yg i click...hihi
congrats atia!! sy pun diinpired by awk jgk. rase2nye blog atia antara blog b2b yg sy bc first2 dulu..hehe..kdg2 sy rs mcm takot2 nak bercerita psl wed/e-day ni, try to keep it low wlpn ada byk bende dlm kpale ni to blog out. tp bile bc atia punye blog n other b2b mmg rs inspired lah..hehe..
congrats again ;)
u deserved the award cik belle...suka baca u punya blog..can't wait for ur wedding...=)
i hope i could plan my wedding as smooth as u do...
Kegembiraan yang Ikhlas: owh, i cuma add widget aje yang kat sidebar tu. hehe. yang line tuh, u type < s > words < /s > *tapi, jangan ada jarak k*. cuba try, dapat tak?
~ NANA ~: =) owh nana, thanks! touching betul.hihi
.liyanaiskandar.: =) nasihat saya, blog whatever u want to blog! share with others. b2b suka tau! hehe.
eidA: thank you, eida. hihi. em,dont expect much k. my wedding biasa aje dear. kategori sederhana. hihi. whatever it is, lets pray that our wedding will be blessed. InshaAllah. =)
atia jgn tutup blog niiiiiiii.byk gile info penting utk org yg nak kawin!as mmg tak buat list,tgk list atia kat tepi tu je,tak pening kepale dah ;p
tahniah!!nnt open table yeh:D
congrats makcik kesayangan! aku sayang ko. belog ko diantara belog yg seiring sejalan dgn nawal, huda, yaya, jaja, harz n the rest yg aku bace n inspired. thanks to you bebeh!
congrats cik belle.. ala jgn la tutup blog ni tau.. suke bace blog kamu.. :)
cik belle!! tahniah..blog u mmg gives inspired to me..yeahh..!!
mmg suke bace blog kamu..sile jgn tutup ye cik belle..=)
CONGRATS BABE!! u inspired me! hehe
congrates cik belle.. :)
congrats belle!!!:)
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