Browsing over searching for hantaran ideas. And am glad that there are quite a few hantaran makers that have ala-ala cinderella carriage on which i personally think that this kind of hantaran fits my theme. Hehe. Somehow, it all depends on the budget nanti. Heh. Kalau over my budget, kenala korek2 idea and D.I.Y aje. Harapnya, if sewa this kind of 'tray' murahla.. ehehe. Nanti nak survey bridal house area2 rumah dulu, mana la tau they have this kind of 'tray' kan. Otherwise, kene booking thru the net la.. Some pictures i would like to share with.

They are all from Jemari Kreatif. Credit to them. Simple flower arrangement and pink+white colors add more cuteness to this carriage. I suke yang last pic. Ribbon tuh tambah lagi comel..

Yang ni dari Sher Design. Hantaran dari Sher memang superb semuanya la. Berapa agaknyer she quote this kind of hantaran eyh? Hehe. Kena tunggu Pameran pengantin la bulan Febuari ni. Harapnya dapatla she quote price within my budget. Heh.

Ni hantaran majlis Mawi-Ekin from NGI. Cantek tak usah dihuraikan lebuh lanjut. Mungkin saya bole pilih combination warna roses yang macam ni, pink+peach.

This one from Merisik Gallery. Personally, I memang jatuh cinta pandang pertama la kat merisik gallery punya hantaran-hantaran yang die buat sebelom2 ni. Memang cantek. Tapi, this kind of carriage xdela plak pic-pic hasil dari magic hand diorang. Mungkin selepas ini.. HiHi.
Images credit to
Jemari Kreatif,
Weddings by SHER,
Nas Great Idea, and
Merisik Gallery.